Inspiring People in Profile: Kayla Hillier

Allow me to introduce Kayla Hillier 

Kayla is a multi-skilled warrior goddess. She’s crafty, a kindergarten specialist, and comparable to Martha Stuart in the kitchen. Quite honestly, she’s amazing at everything that she does. I met Kayla in Mooloolaba Australia in 2010. We did our teachers college together and she used to come visit me because I had an attractive roommate (she wasn’t the only one haha). Our late 20s/early 30s were full of pain, but even from afar we were able to support and uplift one another. This past fall we raised $600 (I think) for SickKids.

Enjoy this interview with tidbits of her inspiring life story and her nonprofit entrepreneurial adventure!

What inspired you to start LoveLolaDaisy?

I started loveloladaisy years ago. I’ve always been creative, so as I made things family and friends would ask for custom pieces for their houses as well (things like hand lettered or painted signs, wood burned cutting boards). It was something I always just did because I could – I love doing it, so why not share that with others? When I started keeping track of it online, that’s when people I didn’t know started asking for things too… that’s really when loveloladaisy took off. I still keep true to my roots though, I do it because I can and because I enjoy it. You’ll notice I don’t overcharge for my work… to me its just another opportunity to create something for someone to love.

Most defining moment of your life: 

The moment my son’s surgeon told us everything went perfectly as intended. It was then that I realised that everything WAS going to be ok, and that I really truly could get through, survive, and do anything. 

How is mom-ing and teaching online going?! 
It’s going! I’ve really had to just step back and trust in the process. I put 100% in to my online learning program, and though it’s different from what other’s are doing, I know it’s good. I’m proud of it, I need to trust that that’s really all I can do. Not everyone is going to participate, not every teacher is the same in the classroom so why should we all be the same now? As for mom-ing …I absolutely love being home. All we wanted while we were at SickKids was to be home, now here we are. We’ve made our home the most amazing place for our little guy, so to be here with him now, all day, every day is such a blessing. He’s 110% my priority – I upload my school activities for the day while he’s eating, and I check up on emails and messages throughout the day when he’s distracted and playing. So far the balance has been pretty good I think!

What is something you do every day?

I thank God for everything. Even if I’m in the shower, or it’s the 30 seconds I’m watching my Nespresso machine… I make it a point to just soak it all in and be thankful for the blessings that we’ve prayed so so hard for. 

How has your morning routine changed since self-isolating? 

It’s a lot busier! I prep my work for the morning the night before, so it’s an easy upload for my students and families while Adam is eating breakfast. It’s a solid 20 minutes uninterrupted, where I’ve really learned to crunch everything in before he starts to feed his food to the dog. I do get to sleep in though, so that’s really nice!

You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?

I’d be SickKidsVS blue. It’d be that bright blue turquoise that is famous in the SickKids logo. It’d stand for VS blue… being blue, being bold, colouring outside of the lines. Every child loves to colour… it’s an activity that allows you to just escape and focus on what you’re doing, not what’s going on around you. I really should look into this, I think this would be a great idea actually! 

Starbucks drink of choice 

Iced grande light or the iced caramel machiatto. 

Besides making the most amazing creations EVER, what do you like doing in your spare time? 
Thanks! I really enjoy skiing, though I’m not the best at it. I also love to cook and bake. I also play the drums, but those have been stacked away the last few years… a hobby we’ll wait a bit to introduce to a toddler!

Favourite local shops/restaurants

I’m going to answer this as though we’re still downtown Toronto, and say Sugo (the best Italian food in the city!), and Antler (all wild game meat).  There was a really amazing Aussie meat pie place off of Queen as well called Kanga, but I’ve heard they’ve closed… which is devastating! As for shopping, a “local” favourite of mine is Island View – A Lily Pulitzer Signature Store on the Oakville Lakeshore.

Why kindergarten?

Because it’s more than just reading, writing, and math. It’s social skills, life skills, and teaching these tiny humans how to be the best versions of themselves. Kids at that age are sponges. You’re teaching them manners, how to be kind, how to be helpful, how to stick up for themselves. These aren’t just things they remember in the back of their heads for a test, it’s things that will shape their personalities and educational fundamentals like basic letter recognition, that will be the stepping stones for every single thing they learn in their future…. and they’re absolutely adorable!

What have you learned about yourself since living at Sick Kids?

I’ve learned how strong I am. I’ve learned that I can survive anything. Nothing I can even begin to imagine will ever compare to sitting and sleeping in an ICU chair for literally ten days straight, watching my baby’s lungs fill with air from a ventilator after a successful life-saving surgery. I’ve seen and lived through things that no person, let alone mother should ever have to go through. It’s made me stronger. It’s made me wiser. It’s made me appreciate the little things. It’s restored and strengthened my faith. It’s shown me what family really means. It’s brought me friendships I will cherish for the rest of my life. 

If you had to write a 2-3 sentence mission statement about being a mom what would it be? 

You’ve got this. No matter what happens, how hard it gets, you’ve got this… and it is SO damn worth it. All of it. 

Favourite thing to bake?

Paula Deen’s butter cake!!! Also cake batter cookies, I swear I could eat a whole batch to myself. 

What is your favourite memory of Australia?  (Kayla and I met there)

SO many. I think the obvious answer is sitting on the Alex Headlands beach every evening bbm-ing my now husband. I’ll never forget the face advert on the bus on the way to Noosa. The “Good tomato time” in Sydney (I was sooo sick with a throat infection I thought I was going to die), the time I thought a black swan was a lost duffle bag and almost got attacked with Andy. Having the biggest crush on your Italian roommate!!! Australia Day with the inflatable thongs when my best friend came to visit after we went to Melbourne for the Aussie Open. My favourite though, is sitting on the rock wall at Alex Heads just watching the surfers, and that spot… at the bus stop at the top of the hill between Mooloolaba and Alex. THAT view makes my heart happy. 

Credit: Three Little Birds Photography

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